Look, a brand new fishbucket.com!
Historically, this site has been a bizarre assortment of pages that were haphazardly slapped together. And that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, it was a fun way to show my goofy 70s people, plus I never wanted this site to feel corporate. (I vote YES on sweet 70s ‘staches and NO on wordy case studies and empty marketing statement garbage.)
While the randomness of the old pages was fun, I figured a cleaner homepage and blog and some sort of “navigation” could be useful.
So here we are! The cast of characters is the same, but there’s a little more order around here. The revamped portfolio is easier to navigate and won’t be left neglected for months/years anymore. The quote request page works as it used to, and the blog has moved off of the homepage and into its own comfortable corner.
Leave a comment and let me know what you think!
Full disclosure… I assume most professional web designers are in the same boat, but with a full client load it’s hard to find time to work on your own site. To expedite the process, this site is based on an excellent theme by Orman Clark. Check him out!